Experience the Archeopark!

“Follow me and I will tell you my story, the story of warrior princes and of an archaic population, whose traces are still hidden in this land.”

1 The Basileus
After passing the entrance gate, visitors are symbolically welcomed by the silhouette of the warrior prince on horseback, the Basileus of Baragiano, representative of the aristocratic elites who settled here in the archaic era.
2 Access to the route
After passing the reception pavilion, the route begins, a brief introduction to sthe nameless population of north-western Basilicatais given, in the period from the Iron Age to the Archaic Age.
3 The time portal
A large door reproduced in the features of a gigantic Corinthian helmet, like the one used by the elite warriors of north-western Basilicata, represents the gap to cross to undertake a journey through time in the archaic Baragiano.
4 Pottery of Baragiano
16 columns, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, with a square base, on which the same number of display cases rest, show copies of locally produced pottery, with geometric decorations painted in red and brown.
5 The tale of hydria
The cycle of decorations on the Baragiano hydria (a vase to contain water), is offered in a large-sized reproduction in corten.
6 The Lady of scented oils
The mysterious high-ranking woman who lived in Baragiano at the end of the 5th century BC materialises in a gigantic silhouette, representing her, surrounded by jewels.
7 The labyrinth of life
A scenic display, reconstructing a small labyrinth, invites the visitor to cross a “forest of quotes and signs”, to find, following the directions suggested by the authors cited, the meaning of one’s life.
8 The resting place of the lady of scented oils
The burial of the Lady of scented oils is presented in the exact spot of her discovery, with the small vases that she possessed in life to contain her perfumed oils, and which made her deserve the name given by the archaeologists.
9 The warrior princes
With a drawn sword and a cloak in the wind, the Basileus presents himself in his royalty and in his warrior nature, with weapons and helmet, two greyhounds at his feet, to strengthen his aristocratic aura.
10 The wall of myths
An artistically treated wall by the artist Raffaele Gerardi will show some classic quotes related to the myth of war.
11 Aristocratic hunting
The representation of a hunting scene for a large boar reminds us of how this practice was a way for the aristocratic elites to demonstrate values such as strength and courage.
12 The house
The remains of the perimeter of a house built with blocks of limestone held together with clay, is proof of the inhabited area of the 4th century BC developed in Baragiano, especially on the eastern side of the hill.
13 The prince’s panoply
The large-scale reproduction of the Basileus panoply, from tomb 35 of Baragiano, composed of offensive and defensive weapons, shows how the warrior prince was armed in the Greek manner.
14 The Basileus burial
The scenic reconstruction of tomb 35 also known as the one of the “Basileus”, discovered and investigated in two successive phases (1996 and 2012) and remembered as one of the most important funerary sites in all Southern Italy, closes the itinerary of the Archeoparco, reminding us of the sacredness of the place.

Nobody knows my name,
but you can call me “the Lady of scented oils”.

The Lady of scented oils, a mysterious woman of high rank, who lived in Baragiano at the end of the 5th century BC, so named due to the presence of a rich set of vases for oils and ointments found in her burial, will welcome you at the beginning of the route to tell you about the ancient female world and the warrior virtues of the Basileis, following the journey through the waves of time.

A journey back in time, through the centuries, from the 5th to the 7th BC, supported in audio by the voice of the beautiful lady and featuring characters, totems, artistic installations inviting you to cross the labyrinth of life in an evocative naturalistic scenario, searching for the true protagonist, the Basileus, the warrior prince whose burial in Baragiano brought to light his collection of weapons and vases, which allowed us to rediscover an otherwise lost memory.

An exciting dive into History to experience the spectacle of time

Visiting Hours: daily from 19:00 onwards, or by appointment at 3792217349
For Info: 0971 997074

Orari e Biglietti

Donec natoque ut dolor sapien commodo ad. Iaculis dictumst feugiat placerat ridiculus mollis.

Per Gruppi
Donec natoque ut dolor sapien

Scuole e insegnanti
Donec natoque ut dolor sapien Amet letius potenti vel at arcu. Magna per quis scelerisque duis at eros montes dignissim placerat. Cubilia efficitur ridiculus per scelerisque lobortis donec interdum.

Giorni Orari Biglietti
Lun 9.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 19.00
€ 0.00 (ridotti € 0.00)
Mar 9.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 19.00
€ 0.00 (ridotti € 0.00)
Mer 9.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 19.00
€ 0.00 (ridotti € 0.00)
Gio 9.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 19.00
€ 0.00 (ridotti € 0.00)
Ven 9.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 19.00
€ 0.00 (ridotti € 0.00)
Sab 9.30 – 13.00
14.30 – 19.00
€ 0.00 (ridotti € 0.00)
Dom Chiuso

Fun adn mystery

We are waiting for you in Baragiano